The Italian manuscript Lusus naturae, Human and Natural Monstrosities, 18th Century, contained 54 watercolor illustrations of beasts and men with medical conditions or deformities, along with unworldly creatures. Source: John Rylands Library
The Italian manuscript Lusus naturae, Human and Natural Monstrosities, 18th Century, contained 54 watercolor illustrations of beasts and men with medical conditions or deformities, along with unworldly creatures. Source: John Rylands Library
Depiction of an alchemist’s lab from Alchemy, Its Science and Romance, John Edward Mercer, 1921. Image processed and colorized by Eve Harms. Original source: archive.org
The medieval wound man, first appearing in the 15th century, was used by physicians and surgeons to communicate anatomy and how to heal different ailments. The diagrams showed the location of diseases, blood letting points, and anatomical correspondences to zodiac signs. Sources and more info on the Public Domain Review.