author interview

Interview on Fright Girl Winter

I was interviewed by Sonora Taylor for Women in Horror Month for the online book festival Fright Girl Winter. It gets pretty saucy and esoteric!

“…many people use the ideas of good/evil people and entities to create meaning and structure in their lives through religion, fiction, and other belief systems. I believe this is a false, and ultimately fascist, dichotomy that needs to go.”

– Me from the interview 🙂

Check out the interview here!


Author Interview with Nico Bell

I was interviewed by author Nico Bell as a part of her author interview series. Nico is a fantastic interviewer who does her research, and I think it’s a pretty good interview! If you are interested at all about how my life experiences have influence my work and other behind the scenes tidbits, click the button below to check it out.
