
The medieval wound man, first appearing in the 15th century, was used by physicians and surgeons to communicate anatomy and how to heal different ailments. The diagrams showed the location of diseases, blood letting points, and anatomical correspondences to zodiac signs. Sources and more info on the Public Domain Review.


Demon costumes from the Nuremberg’s Schembart Carnival. The carnival was popular in the 15th century, with its parade of elaborate costumes and huge ships on runners, known as “Hells.” It ended after 90 years following a famous preacher’s complaint. From Schempart Buech, 1590. Source: UCLA Library Digital Collections.


Demonic imagery from different books of hours. A Book of Hours was a type of Christian book popular in the Middle Ages that contained prayers, psalms, hymns and lessons that were meant to be read at certain hours of the day, everyday.
