Esoteric Eden

Flauros (Haurus) is a fallen angel and the 64th of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. If invoked into a magician’s triangle he will tell truths of the past, present, and future. Outside the triangle he will lie. He will protect those who summon him from other spirits and temptation. From Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863.

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Deumus (Deumo) is originally a goddess of the Calicut in Malabar. She wears a crown, has four horns, and four long sharp teeth. She has the feet of a rooster, and appears with a soul to snack on if she wishes. From Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863.

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Andras is one of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. He appears as an angel with the head of a raven or owl, wielding a sword and riding a black wolf. He kills entire households, including all of their servants and teaches you the best way to kill one’s enemies. From Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863.

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Naberius (Cerberus) guards Hades in Greek myths. As a demon, he makes people more susceptible to manipulation and sometimes appears as a crow. He gifts skill in arts and sciences (especially rhetorical) and restores lost honor. From Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863.

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Amduscias is a unicorn demon that can summon a demonic orchestra of enchanted musical instruments that play on their own. Trees sway at the sound of his voice, and he gives people the power to make trees fall. From Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863.

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Barqan is the jinn king of Mercury, Wednesday, the color blue, and the metal brass. He ruled over five strongholds that each held 500,000 Madrid (one the most powerful types of jinn). Also known as The Black King, he teaches evil jinn magic to harm humans. Kitab Al Bulhan (The Book of Surprises), 14th century.
