In the Sanskrit epic Ramayana, the hero Rama and his army of monkey and bears fight and slay many demons, including the demon king Ravana, who had 10 heads and 20 arms. The Ramayana (Tales of Rama; The Freer Ramayana), Volume 2, 1597 ⠀

Grilandas inventum libri by Paolo Grillandi is a series of 16th century diagrams that tied aspects of the human body to astrology. The Italian author wrote seminal books on witchcraft and demonology and was a papal judge in witch trails.⠀
Rahovart is a companion of Satan and tormentor of humans. He causes avalanches and possesses the elderly. If you die while possessed by him, your soul is collected into his basket where you will stay until Judgement Day. Image: Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863⠀
The Nikar or Nicor are water-monsters in Scandinavian, Teutonic, and Saxon mythology. They’re descendants of merpeople and the Nixies (benevolent water spirits) and drown and torment fishermen, tip over their boats, and create adverse weather. Image: Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863