Horror, bizarro, and exploitation writer, zinester, and creator of many things
Ezequiel or Chazaqiel is one of the fallen Watcher Angels, class of angels meant to be sentinels or messengers of Yahweh. He taught forbidden knowledge to humans, including how to identify omens the clouds. He was also known to lust after women. ⠀
Hepoth is demon named in The Keys of Solomon that has the power to make any person seem to appear, even if they are a great distance away. He’s servant to the spirit Sirachi, who serves under Lucifer. Composite art by Eve Harms
The constellation Pleiades is personified by seven sisters in many mythologies. In Solomonic lore, it’s the demons Klothod and her sisters: Deception, Strife, Jealousy, Power, Error, and “The Worst”. Solomon bound them and forced them to dig his temple’s foundation. ⠀