Demons, Jinn, and Other Misfit Spirits

Follow me on twitter and instagram to get your daily dose of demons and jinn! This page will also be updated with all of the supernatural beings in the gallery at the bottom of the page, and you can find links to all of my sources below, they are available in public archives to be browsed through.

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  • Kaitar
    Kaitar is a demon whose name may be derived from the Hebrew word for summit & is found around mountains & other high places. He serves the demons Magoth & Kore who are described in Mather’s edition of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. Image: Eve Harms
  • Betel
    Betel is a gentle demon described in the Grimoire of Armadel, who is best summoned alone in a forest or secluded garden. He can teach the knowledge that God imparted to Adam, and the virtues of all living things along with the laws and uses of those virtues.
  • Boginki
    Boginki are minor deities in Slavic folklore that personify nature. They appear in many different forms and dwell in swamps, lakes, rivers, forests and mountains. They’re sometimes hostile & attack women during childbirth, switch babies with changelings and destroy fishing nets.
  • Habergeiss
    The Habergeiss is a hoofed demon from Germanic folklore that appears in the form of a bird, goat, or combination. The spirit takes children away in a basket, which is reenacted at various festivals. Other versions suck the blood of farmers & cows. Img: Wolfgang Sauber (modified)
  • Erlik
    Erlik is the pig-faced god of death and ruler of demons in Siberian mythology & the first creation of Ulsan the creator god. He judges the dead & is assisted by evil spirits that cause misfortune, sickness, and death, including 9 sons & daughters. Image: Dictionnaire Infernal
  • Apep
    Apep was the Egyptian god of chaos and the greatest enemy of the Sun god Ra. This god appeared as a giant snake and was much feared by Egyptians, even in their death—as he’s known to eat souls. To ward off Apep, they would defile effigies and bury the dead with protective spells
  • Botis
    Botis is a demonic earl, president & one of the Spirits of Solomon. He appears as a viper with a sword & can be commanded to take human form—but he’ll retain some demonic features if he does. He’s good for reconciling friends or enemies & answering questions. Image: 72goetia
  • Haagenti
    Haagenti is an alchemical demon with the power to turn metals into gold & water into wine. He’s an infernal president who commands 33 legions of lesser demons. He can be bound with the angel Mihael’s name. Beyond his bestial form, he can also appear as a man. Image:
  • Autothith
    Autothith is a demon of strife who causes fighting and grudges between friends. He’s the 34th demon of the 36 decans of the zodiac described in the Testament of Solomon. To cast him off, write down the words Alpha and Omega.
  • Maitor
    Maitor is a demon of deception and illusion who can be called upon in a spell to make one invisible. He serves under the demon Almiras and their minister Cheros. Image: Eve Harms
  • Gartiraf
    Gartiraf is a flying demon of disease described in the Liber de Angelis who serves under Bilet. Summoners can invoke his name for a curse or send him, and his flying underlings, to afflict their enemies with illness, fever, trembling & weakness. Image: Eve Harms
  • Decarabia
    Decarabia is 69th of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. He has an unusual appearance for a demon: he’s described as manifesting as a star and/or pentagram, before taking human form. He has power over birds and can give them as familiars, and imparts knowledge of herbs. Image: 72goetia
  • Morax
    Morax is one of the 72 Spirits of Solomon & an infernal Earl. He appears as a bull at first, but can change into human form. He teaches about herbs, precious stones, astronomy & the liberal sciences. He’s provides smart and friendly familiars. Art: Coffeatus
  • Proserpina as a demon
    Despite being established as the Roman goddess of the harvest and springtime growth, Proserpina is also listed as a demon in Dictionnaire Infernal, where she’s referred to as the Arch-She-Devil and Princess of Mischievous Spirits. Photo: Barbara Caffi
  • Emoniel
    Emoniel is the 5th wandering infernal prince of the forest. He commands 100 lesser princes and chief dukes, with over a thousand spirits below them. Being an airy demon, it’s hard to see him without the use of a crystal. Image: Stiller Beobachter (modified)
  • The Adversary
    The Adversary is an archetype found across cultures, manifesting as figures such The Adversary
  • Agares
    Agares is an infernal duke who commands 31 legions of lesser demons. Agares
  • Frasmiel
    Frasmiel is a demon who appears as a giant serpent with a Frasmiel
  • Abraxas
    In gnostic cosmology, Abraxas is the rooster-headed, serpent-legged god who created the material world. Letters of his name represent the 7 planetary spheres & he’s often found on magick amulets. He’ was demonized by Christians & appears in Dictionnaire Infernal
  • Ephippas
    Ephippas is a demon found in The Testament of Solomon that assumes the form of a hellish wind, destroying everything in its path. Solomon uses his ring to trap him in a flask &for ces him to help build his temple & imprison the demon Abezithbod. Image: H.J. Ford
  • Lamashtu
    Lamashtu is a demon/malevolent goddess from Mesopotamian mythology who afflicts women during Lamashtu
  • The Devil surrounded by demon names and corresponding sigils
    Depiction of The Devil (almost certainly) surrounded by demon names and corresponding The Devil surrounded by demon names and corresponding sigils
  • Chort
    Chort is a demon from Slavic folklore, son of Chernobog, who is trickster figure in folktales. It often tries to trick people into selling their souls, but is easily outsmarted. Sometimes Chort acts as a force for good & gives heroes magical items, or takes villains to hell.
  • Astaphanos
    Astaphanos is one of the seven Archons, a group of demons from Gnostic cosmology, who prevent souls from leaving the material realm. Astaphanos is associated with the planet Venus, and carries the feminine name Sophia. Art by Alese Osborn.
  • Egyptian Ram-Headed Demon
    Egyptian ram-headed Demon from a royal tomb in the Valley of the Egyptian Ram-Headed Demon
  • The demon Gamigin
    Gamigin is a marquis of hell & commands 130,000 lesser demons, or more. He has the power of necromancy & can summons soul that drowned in the ocean, for sure-fire interrogation. He appears as a horse or a man. Image: karkemish00 on Deviant Art, CC-BY-NC-ND
  • The Rusalka
    Rusalkas are water spirits from Slavic folklore, who appear as a beautiful women with long hair. In some tales, Rusalkas are the souls of drowned women or unclean spirits who lure men into water & drown them by entangling their body with their long red hair. Image: Ivan Bilibin
  • El Tío, Lord of the Underworld
    El Tío (The Uncle) is the devil-like spirit who rules over the mines of Cerro Rico in Bolivia. Statues of this “Lord of the Underworld” can be found all throughout Cerro Ricco’s mines, with offerings like cigarettes, coca leaves, and alcohol left for protection and appeasement.
  • Pazuzu (?????)
    Pazuzu (?????) is the ancient Mesopotamian king of wind demons. He’s responsible for storms, drought, famine & locusts. Though evil himself, Pazuzu is invoked on amulets to drive away other evil spirits, like the malicious goddess Lamashtu. Image: PHGCOM, Wikimedia Commons
  • The Demon with Matted Hair from Indian Folklore
    In an Indian folktale, a Bodhisatta, known as the Prince of the The Demon with Matted Hair from Indian Folklore
  • The āl, a type of demon from Middle Eastern lore
    The āl, of Middle Eastern folklore, is a demon that steals embryos, or the organs of a woman who just gave birth. After, the āl runs to a river to wash the organs before eating them. Stir the water with a sword before she finishes to prevent her from crossing. #FaustianFriday
  • Surgeon demons in watercolor by R. Cooper, 1912
    Henry Wellcome commissioned this watercolor from R. Cooper in 1912, depicting an Surgeon demons in watercolor by R. Cooper, 1912
  • Barong
    Barong is the benevolent king of the spirits in Balinese mythology, and the enemy of the demon queen Rangda. Each region of Bali has its own version of Barong modeled after different animals, including a lion, pig, and tiger. Image: an edit of work by Beeyan, Wikimedia, CC BY-SA
  • Atranrbiabil
    Atranrbiabil is a fire demon with the complexion and temperament of the Atranrbiabil
  • Arepach
    Arepach is a demon of the night, who serves under Raysiel, the Arepach
  • Demon costumes from the Nuremberg’s Schembart Carnival, 1590
    Demon costumes from the Nuremberg’s Schembart Carnival. The carnival was popular in the 15th century, with its parade of elaborate costumes and ships on runners. It ended after 90 years following a famous preacher’s complaint. From Schempart Buech, 1590, UCLA Library Collections

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